Monday, November 15, 2010


●Which vocabulary program are you interested in? Choose and review your favorite one (strengths, useful functions, and application ideas)

I'm interested in various vocabulary programs.And I think that we should select a program by depending on students' level and age.
I'm most interested in 'Methods of Grasping the Meaning'

I think this program impoves a student's vocablary and ability to apply their vocablary into real contexts. In addition to, strudents can improve their strategy of guessing. This strategy is required in many areas and context.
If strudents got vocabulary form wordlist, they would have difficulty in treating unfamiliar words. In this situation, can we say that they acuired vocalbulary knowledge entirely?

As i already mentioned, this program enable student to acquire not only vocablary knowledge but also skill related to treat vocablary.

I think that this program require many experieces and long time to prove students' vocablary knowledge.

We should consider inductive approach.
1) offer many examples to students including word that has many meanings.
2) enable students to find out each meaning of word.
3) And then, make conclusion that words don't have fixed meaning.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

English interview with arirang TV

Key expression from this english interview

Monday, October 11, 2010


From commnicative language teaching (CLT) perspective, Writing practice sshould be interactive. Discuss how English teachers can provide interactive English writing experience for students.

◀ Actually, there are little experience for students to write in korea class.
So, korea students are not good at writing.
If i were an english teacher, i would give time when students can write their feeling or thinking about a class that they had. Through this time, students can review what they learn and experienced writing time.

When we write for authentic purposes, there are always audience (except secret diaries or self-notes). Discuss types of writing activites for different audiences.

◀ There are many writing activity. When we give writing activites for students, teachers should consider who are the audience of writing. Becuase, style of wiriting and vocabulary, constructs can be different. Many factors of writings depend on audience. So, when students write, they should decide who are their audience, and how they are olds, what they have as job, and they have backgroud knowledge.

How does technology help task-based writing? Discuss and write your ideas on your blog.

◀ They can take real text by connecting internet. They can read an aticle of internet newspapers, internet novel, letter written by someone. They can get not artificial materials but real and natural materials. That means they are comfortable in materials that they can see them easily.
Most studetns have difficulty in wiriting and they consider wiriting activities as most difficult skill. By the way, we can breake a wall that students make in their mind and between themselve and writing. I think that is the very important step

Monday, October 4, 2010


★Discussion Questions

●Discuss the following terms. Which approach do you usually use? What purpose?
Top-down approach bottom-up approach interactive approach
-bottom-up approach
-interactive approach

●Compare intensive reading vs. extensive reading. What are they?
intensive reading 정독)
: This method is a best way to language learning.
Focus on understanding of quality
It similar to bottom-up apprach
We usually use extensive reading -test prepation, text book,
We more focus on understanding than enjoying many reading

should be more difficult to challange!
problems > It esaily get boring. They need to enjoy meaning inside.

extensive reading(다독)
: Top-down appreach
Focus on quantities of reading
knowledge-builing / to have fun
authentic material such as novel, comic books, internet aticle,

should be easy for students to enjoy!
problems > It will be take very long time to improve quility.
Sometimes, cheking vocabulary and underlining grmmar use are important!

●How does technology help reading practice (intensive and extensive)?

Monday, September 27, 2010


★Discussion Questions

●What are the common problems in teaching grammar?
:teaching grammar has lagged behind the integration of pre, while and post stages.

●What is a recently defined goal of teaching grammar?
:we need to go beyond this movement to bring grammar instruction fully to life and to make it purposeful and communicative.

●Explain communicative competence model of teaching grammar by using the example, "past tense." (NCLRC) or integrative grammar lesson (Pekoz)

: Communicative competence model treats all aspects language and doesn't consider language as isolated unities.(don't focus on only form , phonology or morphology..)
Teaching "past tense" by using overall and whole contexts.
Students find out "pas tense" naturally in context and practice and consider other farctors like a meaning, form and pronounciation simultaneously.
And then, students apply, manipulate or use what they learn in communicative class romm situation.

Monday, June 14, 2010

★London London ..!!

Q. Have you ever been to London?

Q. Do you have any information about London?

Q. What do you Think about London?


Q. Does a schema activate your reading process? Talk about your case episode how schema helps your reading or no schema retards your reading.

When i read a my major book, i think that a schema activate my reading process.
I was studing Piajet's theory. I have studied sice i was a fresh. Especially, i was interested in Piajet's theory. One day, i read my major book, there are 5 section about children development. Piajet's theory is a one chapter of them. When i read about Piajet's theory, i could draw his theoty in my head and i could understand a various terms very easily like a 도식(schema) 적응(adaptation) 동화(assimilation) 조절(accommodation) 평형(equilibration)... So, reading the section taked only 30 minutes. Other wise, when i read the other sections it taked two hours or more.