Monday, November 15, 2010


●Which vocabulary program are you interested in? Choose and review your favorite one (strengths, useful functions, and application ideas)

I'm interested in various vocabulary programs.And I think that we should select a program by depending on students' level and age.
I'm most interested in 'Methods of Grasping the Meaning'

I think this program impoves a student's vocablary and ability to apply their vocablary into real contexts. In addition to, strudents can improve their strategy of guessing. This strategy is required in many areas and context.
If strudents got vocabulary form wordlist, they would have difficulty in treating unfamiliar words. In this situation, can we say that they acuired vocalbulary knowledge entirely?

As i already mentioned, this program enable student to acquire not only vocablary knowledge but also skill related to treat vocablary.

I think that this program require many experieces and long time to prove students' vocablary knowledge.

We should consider inductive approach.
1) offer many examples to students including word that has many meanings.
2) enable students to find out each meaning of word.
3) And then, make conclusion that words don't have fixed meaning.

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