Thursday, December 16, 2010


Cabbage shortage a South Korean crisis

Grammar lessonplan

Lesson: past tense member:윤주, 보영, 정은
1. Pre-grammar

Teacher show his or her life graph (인생곡선 그래프). And then express his or her life by using past tense.(Students pay attention to past tense)

2. While-grammar

Teacher make students pay attention to past tense.
Students discuss how grammar is used in expressing past happening or experiences.
Teacher let students identify and understand meaning, use of past tense.
(Students understand past tense. inductive learing)

3. Post-grammar

Teacher gives time and divides into small groups. Students make thier onw life graph.
After they make their life graph, they explain their graph to group members by using past tense

e.g) sample life graph


●Explain the two listening techniques: top-down vs. bottom-up and tell us when you employ each technique for what purpose.

This refers to the use of background knowledge in understanding the meaning of the message. Background knowledge consists of context, that is, the situation and topic, and co-text, in other words, what came before and after. (When usually use this strategy in order to acquire whole meaning of text or speech)

comprehension is achieved by dividing and decoding the sound signal bit by bit. The ability to separate the stream of speech into individual words becomes more important here, if we are to recognise, for example, the name of a street or an instruction to take a particular bus.
( when usually use this strategy to get specific information or sfecific information)

●What is podcasting? Discuss the benefits of doing podacasting for L2 learners.
A podcast is the name of a digital recording of a radio broadcast or similar program. Podcasts are published on the internet as MP3 files. Interested listeners are able to download these MP3 files onto their personal computer or personal MP3 player of any type The files can be listened to at the convenience of the listener. Learners can listen over and over to any material that is of interest to them.

students can get mpe file easily. That is very important. When i was a studnet of high school, i tried to study listening. There are problems, however, i coudn't have listening file. I had to buy.
The most important thing was that there are no file wich i wanted.
Through podacasting, i can make a mp3 file which i want.

Wiki-based group writing

Create a story in more than one paragraph about sleeping ugly with your group members by using WIKI space. Show me your work (wiki writing) through your Blog.

( from
-written by sunmi , Yun joo , AhyoungOnce upon a time, There was castle that is about to collapse. In the castle, a cute girl lived with pigs that were a present from her father. The pigs have very special power.The pig's special power made the girl look pretty while she was sleeping.


Discussion questions

Read and compare the vocabulary methodologies introduced in this article.

●Which ones are familiar to you? Which one are not familiary to you?
Pronouncing the Word and Methods of Grasping the Meaning are familirar to me. I have studied vocabulary by pronouncing the word and grasping the meaning. I didn't know various ways of learing vocabulary.
Pictures and Drawings is really interesing and new metohod to me.

●Which ones do you think the most useful? Tell three methodologies you want to use for your students?

I regard learning vocabulary as very boring learing. I hope that my students are interested in learinin vocabulary and they feel comportant. Moreover, I want students to enjoy they vocabulary memorizing and learning.
Dramatization, Realia and Pictures and Drawings are really interesting methods to me. I think this methods are good to early child.

●What is lexical approach? Discuss Michael Lewis's four categories. How is this idea different from what you have known about language and language learning?
In lexical approch....
Students learn vocabulary as lexcial phrases or chunks that are ready- made, or prefabrical phrase. Once studnets are learnt, they can manuplate and apply. Moreover, they can learn new expression without teaching.

Computer-Assisted Language Learning

●Discuss 8 key factors of successful language learning (Egbert et al ,1999) What are they? What does each key notion mean?

Key factor is..
1.Learners have opportunities to interact and to negotiate meaning.
2.Learners interact in the target language with an authentic audience.
3.Learners are involved in authentic tasks.
4.Learners are exposed to and encouraged to produce varied and creative language.
5.Learners have sufficient time and feedback.
6.Learners are guided to attend mindfully to the learning process.
7.Learners work in an atmosphere with an ideal stress/anxiety level.
8.Learner autonomy is supported.

I think that all 8 factors mean learner's participation.
Participation is very important meaning.

●What is Web 2.0? Explain the definition of web 2.0 with example. How is it different from Web 1.0?

Web 2.0 refers to the emergence of a set of applications on the web which facilitate a more socially connected web where everyone is able to add to and edit information online.
1. Power to the user
2. Harnessing collective intelligence
3. "Web as a platform"
they are characteristics of web 2.0 and we can identify them as differences from web 1.0.

●How do web 2.o technologies enhance language learning? Give us an example.

Learners can have more opportunity which makes learner be good speaker.
I mean web 2.0 technologies enchnce speakinkg performance and compeatence.
e.g) Throught social Networking, students can learn how to say, and how to express their ideas or thought.
This exercises support aunthenticity.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lesson note 11.19

Speaking tools

Online Voice Recoding
▶ It enable studnets and teachers to make social community
We can tell story and send to freinds.
We can show Youtube also.
(It is really interesting. If i have mice, i will do right.